Johnston Withers

Criminal lawyers.

Our criminal lawyers in Adelaide and regional South Australia are here to help with professional, ethical criminal law advice.

Everyone has the right to defend themselves against criminal charges.

Johnston Withers Lawyers has a strong reputation for providing ethical and timely criminal law advice and representation where and when our clients need it most. We understand that being charged with an offence of any kind can be distressing, regardless of the seriousness of the allegation.

Our criminal lawyers in Adelaide and regional South Australia are here to advocate for you.

How we can help

How our criminal defence lawyers can help

Being accused of an offence can have life-altering implications for your personal and professional life, so it's important to seek expert criminal law advice as soon as possible.

Whether you’ve been charged with homicide offences, firearm offences, dishonesty offences or white-collar crime, our lawyers are on the ground and here to help with offices across metro Adelaide and regional South Australia.

Criminal law advice when you need it

With offices in Adelaide, Clare, Murray Bridge, Port Augusta, Roxby Downs, Salisbury and Whyalla, we can represent you in all suburban and regional courts across the state.

You can rely on us to:

  • Provide advice about what to do if you’re arrested, including what your rights are and what to expect during the court and investigation processes.

  • Explain the offence you’ve been charged with (or the allegations against you) as well as the potential penalties you may face.

  • Apply for bail and make sure you understand your bail conditions

  • Attend prison to take instructions from you and gather relevant evidence if you’re detained.

  • Attend police or disciplinary interviews with you, and deal with investigators, police and prosecutors on your behalf.

  • Advise you on whether to plead guilty or not guilty.

  • Represent you in court and make submissions for you in relation to sentencing and appealing if you’re convicted.

Adelaide lawyers johnston withers lawyers

Talk to our criminal lawyers in SA about

Our experienced criminal lawyers in Adelaide and regional South Australia are here to provide honest, practical advice across all areas of criminal law, including:

Homicide offences

If you’ve been accused of murder, manslaughter, attempted murder, conspiring to commit murder, or causing death by an intentional act of violence or by use of a vehicle in Adelaide, our criminal lawyers can advise on how to proceed.

Sex offences

If you’ve been accused of rape; unlawful sexual intercourse; indecent assault, sexual exploitation or abuse; gross indecency; the production, dissemination or possession of child exploitation material; or offences relating to commercial sexual services, our sex offence lawyers can provide expert legal advice.

Violent offences

Our specialised assault lawyers in Adelaide and regional South Australia can represent you if you’ve been accused of causing harm or serious harm, choking, suffocation or strangulation, serious criminal trespass, endangering life or creating a risk of serious harm, possession of an object with intent to kill or cause harm, unlawful threats, or stalking.

White-collar offences

Our white-collar crime lawyers have extensive experience representing clients faced with charges of fraud, forgery, money laundering, bribery, insider trading, embezzlement, blackmail, bribery or corruption of public officers, abuse of public office, and tax evasion.

Traffic offences

If you’ve been charged with speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, refusal to take a breath test or drug screening test, driving without a licence or while disqualified, driving without due care, use of a mobile phone, or disobeying traffic lights and street signs in South Australia, our traffic lawyers can help.

Drug offences

Our experienced drug offence solicitors in Adelaide and regional South Australia can provide expert legal advice if you’ve been accused of possessing, manufacturing, selling, supplying, administering, consuming or storing a controlled or prescription drug, controlled plant, or prescribed equipment.

Explosives and firearm offences

If you’re facing charges of unauthorised possession, firearm trafficking, possessing an unregistered firearm, manufacturing or altering firearms, or handling a firearm while under the influence in Adelaide, our criminal lawyers can provide practical, timely advice.

Dishonesty offences

From theft, robbery and making off without payment to dishonest use of documents, machines or merchandise, our criminal lawyers are experienced in representing clients accused of dishonesty offences.

Offences against property

If you’ve been accused of offences against property, including arson, recklessly endangering property, using a motor vehicle without consent, and contaminating goods, we’re here to help with honest criminal law advice.

Offences against the public

If you’re facing charges of rioting, affray, terrorism, participating in a criminal organisation, impeding an investigation, or concealing evidence, our team of criminal lawyers in Adelaide and regional South Australia can provide professional representation.

Disciplinary matters

Johnston Withers can also represent you in disciplinary matters. If you’ve been accused of corruption, professional misconduct, maladministration or breaching your workplace’s code of conduct, our South Australian lawyers can provide expert advice and representation. You can find more information about our employment law services here.

Nic kernahan emma thornton johnston withers lawyers

Meet the criminal law team

Alex Hoskings Johnston Withers Lawyers

Alexander Hosking

Senior lawyer

News & views from the criminal law team

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10 common traffic fines: South Australian traffic lawyers explain what they mean

South Australians know speeding fines (and other driving penalties) come with a hefty price tag and big demerit points. But what can – and can’t – you do?

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Appearing before the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) – What you may need to know

To receive a summons or be requested to attend an interview by Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) can be an alarming experience. We strongly recommend that you obtain legal advice before attending.

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Police Strip Search Law: Your Rights

Imagine you have attended a public event with police presence. The police have approached you and start asking you questions because they think that you may be carrying something illegal. You feel nervous and intimidated. What are you required to do and what rights do you have?

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We’re proud to have helped thousands of South Australians navigate criminal law charges with efficient, clear and ethical advice where and when they need it most.

When experience matters, we’re here to help you, too.

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