Johnston Withers

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How to handle a breach of a commercial lease

Seeking the help of commercial property lawyers is an important step in handling any breach of a commercial lease. We’ve written this guide to help landlords understand their rights and obligations when it comes to how to evict a commercial tenant or deal with tenant rent defaults.

6 things farmers should know about solar & wind farm lease agreements

Renewable energy projects can be low-stress revenue streams for farmers to earn regular income through good years and bad ones. To make the decision process easier, we’ve spelled out what farmers need to know before signing a solar or wind farm lease agreement.

Renewing or extending a commercial lease

Everything you need to know about commercial lease extensions and renewals.

Ending a commercial lease early (breaking a lease)

There are a number of situations where a tenant may wish to end or break a commercial lease before the lease ends. Here is a list of different ways that a commercial lease agreement can be ended early.

7 important points for tenants to consider before signing a commercial lease

A commercial lease is a significant financial commitment for tenants. It can have serious consequences for your business, so it is important that you conduct your due diligence on the lease before signing it.

Buying a Business: Top 6 Legal Tips

Here are 6 legal tips for buyers who are considering buying a business.

Distraining Goods for Unpaid Rent in Commercial Leases

Under a commercial lease, a landlord has a right to distrain goods in premises for outstanding rent. This right entitles a landlord (or a person lawfully authorised by the landlord) to enter the premises, seize goods on the premises and to sell them by public auction for the best price that can be obtained in order to satisfy any outstanding rent due to the landlord. The procedure is governed by the Landlord and Tenant Act 1936.