Johnston Withers

Your guide to car accident injury claims.

Published on Monday 28 August, 2023 by Tim Downie

Accident claims
Car accident claims
Injury claims
Motor vehicle accident

Been involved in a vehicle collision? If you’re not solely at fault, you’ll be eligible to receive medical expenses as a result of your injuries, and you could even make a car accident injury claim for a lump sum benefit.

Wondering what to do after a car accident in Australia?

Following a car accident, it’s crucial to seek medical attention. Visit the emergency department of a public hospital or make an appointment with your doctor immediately after the accident – even if you don’t believe you’ve been badly injured.

Not only will this give you peace of mind, it can take a few months before the full extent of an injury reveals itself. It’s important to have the details of your accident on your medical record to help you start treatment as soon as possible, and to help you with any future car accident injury claim.

At Johnston Withers Lawyers, we take on a wide variety of car accident injury claims each year. No matter the details of your case, we’re here to help.

How long after a car accident can you claim in Australia?

If you are eligible for car accident injury compensation, it’s important to lodge your claim sooner rather than later. Under the SA Compulsory Third Party Insurance Scheme, you are required to lodge a compensation claim within six months of the accident although this can be extended. In addition to the time in which to lodge the claim, you have three years to issue your claim in Court. It’s critical that you seek help from a car accident lawyer to obtain advice that is specific to your claim.

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How to claim compensation for car accidents in South Australia

If you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to claim for car injury compensation under the South Australian compulsory third party scheme. The CTP regulator has a website that provides assistance for people making a car accident injury claim. Johnston Withers team of car accident injury lawyers are here to assist you with that process.

Do you need a lawyer for a car accident injury claim?

If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident, it’s always worth consulting with a car accident lawyer to find out what your options are. Even if you were partially at fault for causing the accident, you might still be eligible for car accident injury compensation.

Our friendly team are some of the most experienced lawyers for car accident injury claims in South Australia. We've been caring (and fighting) for people in our community for over 75 years.

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Can you receive car accident injury compensation if you weren’t the driver?

Anyone is eligible to make a car accident injury claim under the South Australian CTP scheme. If they are injured as a result of negligent driving. This includes passengers, cyclists and pedestrians.

Wonder what the future of car accident injury claims could look like if driver less cars are approved in South Australia? Find out here.

How you’ll receive compensation after a car accident injury claim

If you’ve been hurt in a motor vehicle accident in SA and are claiming car accident injury compensation, there are a few essential details to know that may affect your expectations for how things move forward:

You’ll lodge your claim with one of five insurers

There are five insurers associated with the Compulsory Third Party Insurance Scheme: AAMI, Allianz, QBE, Youi and SGIC. The insurer will vary depending on the registration number of the vehicle that caused the accident. Johnston Withers Lawyers can identify the relevant insurer for your car accident compensation claim.

Your claim is unlikely to go to court

In South Australia, most car accident injury claims don’t proceed to court. Instead, most cases resolve with the claimant (you) and the insurer agreeing to a settlement, with the insurer paying the claimant a lump sum.

The insurer may cover some of your legal costs

If you instruct a lawyer to make a car accident injury claim, you may be worried about legal fees however, in most cases if you’re found eligible for car accident injury compensation, the insurer is obliged to cover a large part of your legal costs.

We’re here to help

If you’d like to discuss a car accident injury claim, our lawyers in SA are here to help guide you through the process. We have a long track record of success and a detailed understanding of how the insurance scheme works here in SA.

Our team of lawyers across greater Adelaide and regional South Australia have helped thousands of people secure the car accident injury compensation they deserve. When experience matters, we’re here to help you, too.

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The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter of car accident injury claims. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Tim Downie Johnston Withers Lawyers


Tim Downie


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