Johnston Withers

Family Law - Asset Pool Information.


List the assets, liabilities, superannuation interests, and financial resources of your relationship (whether owned individually or jointly) that exist now. Please give current values (i.e: as at today's date).

Assets: Can include real estate, bank accounts, term deposits, cars, shares/investments/ cryptocurrencies, furniture, special items (antiques, artworks, collectibles, significant jewellery), and/or boats/caravans/motor bikes.

Assets List

Liabilities: Can include home loans, other mortgages, personal loans, credit cards, store cards, etc:

Liabilities List

Superannuation: Details of all interests in funds and Self-Managed Superannuation Funds:

Superannuations List

Trusts: Detail any interest in a trust (including: Family Trust; Discretionary Trading Trust, Unit Trust, etc):

Trusts List

Companies: Detail any interest or role held in any private company:

Companies List

Other assets or liabilities held with third parties: List any assets or liabilities held by either of you with a third party:

Other Items List