Johnston Withers

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Who can contest a will in South Australia (and how to do it)

Thinking about contesting a will in Australia? South Australian legislation known as the Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1972 enables someone who’s been either left out of a will or hasn’t received adequate maintenance to make a claim against the deceased’s estate.

Getting divorced in South Australia

The laws around divorce and family law can be a bit of a mystery. Our divorce lawyers have prepared some common important divorce questions to help you navigate getting divorced in South Australia.

Joint tenants vs tenants in common: What’s the difference?

Purchasing property is a significant investment, and getting advice on how to structure the ownership of your property is important; for example, whether to purchase as joint tenants vs tenants in common.

How to make a will with a lawyer in South Australia

Not sure how to prepare a will so that your wishes are carried out after your passing? It all comes down to knowing how to make a will with a lawyer, which is why we’ve written this guide so you know exactly what to expect when you see one of the will preparation and estate planning specialists at Johnston Withers Lawyers.

Appearing before the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) – What you may need to know

To receive a summons or be requested to attend an interview by Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) can be an alarming experience. We strongly recommend that you obtain legal advice before attending.

An Introduction to Public Liability Lawyers in Adelaide

If you have an accident in a public place, such as a supermarket, shopping centre or sports arena, you may be entitled to claim compensation with the help of our public liability lawyers in Adelaide.

Seeing a family lawyer – what to take to your first meeting

Here are some tips and a checklist to make sure you get the most out of the experience, that the Family Lawyer gets the information he or she needs, and you get the advice you are after.

7 important points for tenants to consider before signing a commercial lease

A commercial lease is a significant financial commitment for tenants. It can have serious consequences for your business, so it is important that you conduct your due diligence on the lease before signing it.

Dying without a will – who is entitled to the Estate?

In circumstances where someone passes away without a valid Will they are said to have died intestate. The manner in which the Estate is administrated and distributed is set out in the Administration and Probate Act 1919 (SA).