Johnston Withers

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Police Strip Search Law: Your Rights

Imagine you have attended a public event with police presence. The police have approached you and start asking you questions because they think that you may be carrying something illegal. You feel nervous and intimidated. What are you required to do and what rights do you have?

South Australian Firearms Laws

In 2017, new firearms laws came into effect in South Australia. Amongst other things, the new laws created new offences in relation to firearms.

Buying a Business: Top 6 Legal Tips

Here are 6 legal tips for buyers who are considering buying a business.

What is an Advanced Care Directive?

The new Advanced Care Directive (ACD), introduced on 1 July 2014, enables you (if you’re over 18 and of sound mind) to appoint one or more substitute decision-makers to make decisions regarding your future care, including your health care.

Time Limits for Asbestos Claims

It is important that people seeking compensation for asbestos related diseases in South Australia be aware that strict time limits can apply to claims and that failure to comply with these time limits can cause significant prejudice to a claimant’s right to obtain compensation.

The Importance of Seeking Immediate Medical Attention after a Motor Vehicle Accident

The importance of seeking prompt and regular medical attention for injuries arising out of a motor vehicle accident was brought home to Senior Personal Injury Lawyer, Tim Downie in a recent case that he has just resolved.

What rights do police have to search and seize my property?

Generally under the law, occupiers of premises have a right to exclude other people from entering their premises, and if a person enters premises without the occupier’s consent, they are trespassing.

Where is the best place to store a Will?

It is crucial that Your Will and other testamentary documents are kept in a safe location, which your loved ones will be able to access when the time comes.

Libel, slander, defamation, injurious falsehood: What’s the difference?

There are two main categories of legal action you might take against someone who makes a hurtful statement about you. Here’s a short guide to what these terms all actually mean under Australian law.